Different types of spirits: Whiskey, Rum, Vodka, and more

Did you know that alcohol was once thought to have magical properties to turn commonly available metals into gold? This mystical essence, believed to be the element’s life force, was referred to as a “spirit.” Alcohol is produced by a fermentation process in which the sugar derived from grains, fruits or other vegetation is broken into ethanol with the help of yeast. Spirit is the result of the alcohol going through a distillation process to reduce water content and other impurities. The distinctive flavour and the elevated alcohol content in spirits come from the distillation. There are 6 main forms of spirits namely; whiskey also spelt as whiskey, gin, vodka, rum, tequila, and brandy. Whiskey Whiskey or whiskey is made from fermented, malted or unmalted grain mash, typically wheat, barley, corn or rye. Whiskey came from 15th-century Scotland and its name is derived from the Scottish-Gaelic phrase “uise beatha” meaning “water of life.” Most whiskies are aged in wooden, mos...